Decal Instructions

English & Croatian Version

Types of Decals

- all decals are printed on a white paper unless the product title says 'clear'
- white decals are highly pigmented
- they can be placed over any color or on a transparent base
- the greatest pigmentation and clarity of the photo you can get through applying white color first

- they are not pigmented like white ones
- they are visible only on light colors
(pastel colors)
- we get the most pigment when we put them on a white color first

Decal Sizes

Short/Medium nails - length 3 cm
Medium/Long nails - length 4 cm
Long/XL nails - length 5 cm

Keep in mind that extra space is needed to place the desired decal on the nail without ruining the design with your fingers! That's why most photos are centered.

One size


- Prepare the nail as usual
(file, wipe with alcohol or acetone, apply dehydrator and primer)

- Place the sticker on a thin layer of dried base gel (the base must be of good quality and sticky but not too sticky so that the sticker can be moved in case we place it incorrectly)


1. Cut as close to the edge as possible.
2. Soak in lukewarm water for approximately 20 seconds.
3. Remove the decal and dab the excess water with paper (the sticker does not have to be dry, but this process guarantees a better application).
4. Using a sliding motion with your fingers, begin to pull the decal upwards placing the part that slides upwards immediately onto the nail. Place the decal as straight as possible.
5. If the decal does not easily come off, keep it in water for another 10 seconds.
6. Smooth the edges without too much pressure and stretching. The less touch the better.
7. Remove the excess decal with scissors or a brush dipped in acetone. The excess can also be filled down but using only down motion. When removing the excess, be very careful to remove the excess on the edges of the nail from all sides and under the nail.
8. To encapsulate the decal, apply in order: base gel or builder gel or moistened acrylic powder, then add glossy top coat. Be sure to cover all sides and edges of the nail to avoid lifting.
9. Gently buff the nail (just enough to remove the shine we applied and to not damage the decal), wipe off the dust, apply primer.
10. Final step: We add the final top coat gloss/matte - you must put it on the edges and on the edges under the nail so that nothing gets in (e.g. water when washing your hands) under the sticker.


The procedure is the same except that you should not have any excess decal.
So when encapsulating the decal it's enough to apply primer and final top coat after the decal. In case the decal comes out from the edges of the nail, follow the application procedure as for the white decals.
If the decal is a little bigger or the nail is not flat enough, the sticker will be a bit lifted on some places. With scissors, we can make a small cut (max. 1 cm so we don't damage the design) in the places where the sticker is slightly raised and that's how we smooth it out.

Vrste Vodenih Naljepnica

- sve naljepnice su ispisane na bijelom papiru osim ako u naslovu proizvoda piše 'clear'
- bijele naljepnice su vrlo pigmentirane
- mogu se postaviti preko bilo koje boje ili na prozirnu bazu
- najveća pigmentacija i jasnoća fotografije se dobije preko bijele boje

- nisu pigmentirane kao bijele
- vidljive su samo na svijetlim bojama (pastelne boje)
- najviše pigmenta dobijemo kada ih stavimo preko bijele boje

Veličine Vodenih Naljepnica

Kratki Slatki/Srednji nokti - duljina 3 cm
Srednji/Dugi nokti - duljina 4 cm
Dugi/XL nokti - duljina 5 cm

Imaj na umu da je potreban dodatni prostor za postavljanje željene naljepnice na nokat bez uništavanja dizajna prstima! Zato je većina fotografija centrirana.

Jedna veličina


- Pripremiti nokat kao i inače
(porašpati, obrisati alkoholom ili acetonom, aplicirati dehidrator pa primer)

- Postaviti naljepnicu na tanki sloj osušenog baznog gela (baza mora biti kvalitetna i ljepljiva ali ne preljepljiva kako bi naljepnicu mogli pomaknuti u slučaju da je krivo postavimo)


1. Odrezati što bliže rubu.
2. Potopiti u mlaku vodu otprilike 20 sek.
3. Izvaditi naljepnicu i potufkati sa papirom višak vode (naljepnica ne mora biti skroz suha, ali ovaj proces garantira bolju aplikaciju).
4. Kliznim pokretom prstom, krenuti povlačiti naljepnicu prema gore stavljajući dio koji klizi prema gore odmah na nokat. Postaviti naljepnicu što ravnije.
5. Ako se naljepnica ne odljepljuje držati još 10 sek u vodi.
6. Zagladiti rubove bez previše pritiska i razvlačenja. Što manje dodira to bolje.
7. Maknuti višak naljepnice škaricama ili kistićem namočenim u aceton. Višak također može biti izrašpan (rašpajući prema dolje).
Prilikom skidanja viška jako paziti da se makne višak na rubovima nokta sa svih strana i od ispod nokta.
8. Da bismo ''zabetonirali'' naljepnicu stavljamo redom: bazni gel ili builder gel ili prozirni akrilni prah, pa sjaj.
Obavezno provjeriti da li smo pokrili sve stranice i sve rubove nokta kako bi se izbjeglo odizanje.
9. Nježno izbuffati nokat (tek toliko da maknemo sjaj koji smo nanjeli i kako ne bismo oštetili naljepnicu), obrisati prašinu, aplicirati primer.
10. Završni korak: Dodajemo završni sjaj/mat - staviti obavezno na rubove i na rubove od ispod nokta kako ništa nebi ušlo (npr. voda prilikom pranja ruku) ispod naljepnice.

Postupak je isti osim što nebi trebali imati višak naljepnice,
pa kod ''zabetoniranja'' dovoljno je nakon naljepnice staviti primer i završni sjaj.
U slučaju da naljepnica izlazi iz rubova nokta, pratiti postupak aplikacije kao kod bijelih.
Ukoliko je naljepnica malo veća ili nokat ne ravan, na nekim mjestima naljepnica će biti odignuta. Škaricama možemo sitnim rezom (max 1 cm kako nebi oštetili dizajn) zarezati mjesta gdje je naljepnica malo odignuta i tako je izgladiti.